Aarhus University Seal

Upcoming AUSBI community events

Recurrent events

Cryo-EM Common Interest Group (AUEMCIG)


Biweekly, Fridays at 11-12 am (even weeks)
Venue: meeting room 1872-447 (or 1872-547), Dept. MBG, AU

Meet likeminded colleagues, hear the latest updates, be inspired, learn from your peers and enjoy cryo-EM! 

This is an open group for AU researchers with an interest in single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and tomography.
The group organises regular meetings with the aim of exchanging knowledge about 3D reconstruction by EM techniques at AU.

Link to Labbook page and mailinglist sign-up: AU Cryo-EM Common Interest Group (AUEMCIG)

AlphaFold Interest Group


An AlphaFold Interest Group is available at Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University.

Please contact Niels Bøgholm nb@mbg.au.dk, if you would like to be part of this AlphaFold Interest Group, and receive meeting invitaitons.

Everyone interested is welcome to join!

Read more about AlphaFold on AU Labbook