Aarhus University Seal

Membrane Interest Group

The study of membranes and membrane proteins is living in a golden age, where the gap between the molecular and cellular scales are getting ever shorter through the application of integrative approaches.

The Membrane Interest Group invites all researchers with an interest in membranes and membrane proteins across departments at Aarhus University to meet and network on a regular basis.

Kick-off event 26 Sept. 2024

Membrane Afternoon

Meeting and networking from 13-16.
Find more information here

Participation in the Membrane Interest Group

Everyone at Aarhus University, who is interested in membranes and membrane proteins, is welcome to join!
We especially encourage active participation from MSc, PhD and postdocs. Of course volunteers as co-organizers are always welcome.

To join, please join the mailinglist to receive meeting invitations and relevant updates:   https://maillist.au.dk/mailman/listinfo/mempig.mbg

When and where

When: We plan to meet once per month, but we may increase the frequency depending on demand. We aim to start in September 2024.
We encourage everyone interested across all departments at AU to sign up for the MemPIG mailinglist, and then during August, we will invite for the meeting series.

Where: The Interest Group will meet at Aarhus University (location will be included in calendar meeting invites)


The Membrane Interest Group meets on a regular basis to discuss membranes and membrane protein research.

Topics can range from structure determination of membrane proteins, associated techniques such as over-expression and large-scale purification, protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions, to functional aspects of membranes and membrane proteins.

The talks can focus on current research going on in your project, or cover recent literature of interest. 

Format of talks

This is an informal meeting which will hopefully bring together researchers at all levels interested in membranes and membrane protein research with the goal to furthering the exchange of experience and knowledge and provide a catalyst for collaboration.


  • Anna Duncan, Dept. Chemistry, AU
  • Rasmus Kock Flygaard, Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics, AU
  • Joseph Lyons, Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics / iNANO, AU