Aarhus University Seal


AUSBI Steering Group

Gregers Rom Andersen

Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Victoria Birkedal

Associate Professor Department of Chemistry

Rasmus Kock Flygaard

Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Protein Science

Thomas Lykke-Møller Sørensen

Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology

Michael Westberg

Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry

Administrative Support

Karen Bech-Pedersen

Personal assistant and Support scientist Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Sign up for the AUSBI network

All staff and students from Aarhus University are welcome to join this network, if you would like to be put on the mailinglist for upcoming AUSBI news and events.

If you have questions, you are welcome to contact Karen Bech-Pedersen (karenb@mbg.au.dk).