We cordially invite you to join us in celebrating the start of a new and exciting decade of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine! The University of Helsinki, in collaboration with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), is thrilled to host a special event to celebrate the signing of the renewed agreement between EMBL and the Universities of Aarhus, Oslo, Umeå and Helsinki.

Info about event


Tuesday 2 May 2023, at 13:00 - Wednesday 3 May 2023, at 13:00


University of Helsinki, Finland


University of Helsinki

The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine is a unique network of forefront national research centres with complementary research expertise. The centres combine the longstanding tradition of basic and translational molecular medicine in the Nordic countries, with a focus on core research infrastructures and implementation of the governance and operational models of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). 

The Nordic EMBL Partnership was initiated as a collaboration (2008-2012) between EMBL and FIMM at the University of Helsinki (Finland), MIMS at Umeå University (Sweden) and NCMM at the University of Oslo (Norway). The initiation involved the establishment of national partnership Nodes in the three countries. The Nordic EMBL Partnership expanded in 2013 when the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE) at Aarhus University in Denmark became the Danish Node. The impact and success of the Nordic EMBL Partnership was formally recognized in 2013 with the signing of a renewed partnership agreement for an extended period of 10 years (2013-2023).

Now it is time to celebrate the renewal of the Partnership agreement for the next 10 years!

May 2, 2023 - Main Festivities

The festivities are hosted by the Rector of the University of Helsinki, Sari Lindblom.

Time and venue:

Date: 2 May 2023, 13.00 – 16.00  

University Great Hall, Unioninkatu 34, Helsinki 


Keynote presentations: 

  • EMBL Director General Edith Heard  

  • Former Speaker of the Nordic EMBL Partnership and  Outgoing FIMM Director Mark Daly 

Ceremonial signing of the Nordic EMBL Partnership agreement 

Reception in the adjacent halls

Please register here by 17 April, 2023.

May 3, 2023 - Scientific Symposium

Nordic EMBL Partnership: Looking forward to the next ten years of Molecular Medicine research

This symposium will highlight some of the outstanding Molecular Medicine research by Leaders and National Partners of the EMBL network - providing an overview of what has been achieved, with an emphasis on core infrastructures and international collaboration - some of the key characteristics that make EMBL research special.

In addition, the Symposium will look forward to what is to come in the area of Life Science cooperation and Molecular Medicine research in the next 10 years of the Partnership.

Time and venue:

Date: 3 May 2023, 09.00 – 13.00  

Biomedicum Helsinki, Lecture Hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki 

The Symposium on May 3rd can also be followed via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. Please register here by 17 April, 2023.



9.00-9.10 Opening words

Mark Daly, Broad Institute and the University of Helsinki, former Director of FIMM

9.10-9.30 Molecular Epigenetics in Development and Disease: the case of the X chromosome

Edith Heard, EMBL Director

9.35-9.55 Informing molecular medicine by neurobiological insights

Poul Nissen, Director of DANDRITE

10.00-10.20 Long COVID collaboration across borders

Hanna Ollila,  FIMM-EMBL Group Leader

10.25-10.55 Coffee break

10.55-11.15 The future of genome medicine

Ewan Birney, EMBL Deputy Director

11.20-11.40 Inherited errors of immunity - from molecular mechanisms to cell therapy

Janna Saarela, Director of NCMM

11.45-12.05 Tandem talk: Applying metabolomics expertise across Nordic borders

Björn Schröder, MIMS Group Leader & Anni Nieminen, Head of the FIMM Metabolomics Unit

12.10-12.25 Molecules to Ecosystems: conservation genomic approaches for promoting biological resilience

Craig Primmer, Vice Dean Research, HiLIFE/Institute of Biotechnology & the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

12.30-12.50 Understanding pathogen biology to design new interventions

Oliver Billker, Director of MIMS, Speaker of the Partnership

12.55-13.00 Closing words