Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) classified among the biggest Greek Universities in terms of the number of its active student population. Geographically dispersed throughout Thrace (Greece) with 10 Faculties, 28 Departments and a wide variety of Postgraduate Programs. The Democritus University Eco-Hydro team, has long-standing and trusted scientific experience in natural sciences, particularly water resources management, lake protection and restoration. The team’s research fields span among river basin management (bottom-up and stakeholder involvement), lake ecology, novel monitoring practices, EU legislation compliance and NBS design through the implementation of research and development projects. In FutureLakes, DUTH team will have an important role on Public mobilization and engagement for lake governance, while it will also contribute to policy coherence and financing for eco-friendly restoration practices. Yet, DUTH will be representants of the lake Karla demo basin (Thessaly, Greece) and will be co-responsible for the consortium Ethic mentoring.