Diagnosis guided restoration implementing a package of measures.
Site description
Lake Groote Melanen was formed in 1721 after decades of peat excavation. The small (4.8 ha), shallow (mean depth 1.2 m) lake gradually moved to a turbid state without macrophytes, a fish stock dominated by carp and bream and it suffered from frequently cyanobacterial blooms and occasional winter fish kill.
The Regional Water Authority, the municipality of Bergen-op-Zoom and the local angling society wanted to minimize cyanobacterial blooms and winter fish kills, to increase water depth and transparency, and to stimulate submerged macrophytes, and therewith to enhance the water quality and amenity, and to promote recreational use of the lake.
Restoration measures applied
A system analysis guided package of restoration measures was applied aimed to reduce external nutrient load (diversion of two streams, pruning trees, and informing anglers and citizens about reducing use of bait and stop feeding fish and water birds), internal nutrient load (dredging, sand capping with active barrier, and addition of P binder), and ecosystem reconstruction to speed-up a shift from turbid to celar water and to increase resilience (fish removal, reconstruction of banks, planting of helophytes and submerged macrophytes).
Current goals of restoration at the site
Increase ecological status, allow recreational use, maintain interaction with anglers to prevent/minimize illegal fish (carp) stocking.
Sectors involved in lake basin management
Regional Water Authority, Municipality, anglers, citizens
Further reading
Lürling, M., Mucci, M., Yasseri, S., Hofstra, S., Seelen, L.M.S., Waajen, G. 2024. Combined measures in lake restoration – a powerful approach as exemplified from Lake Groote Melanen (The Netherlands). Water Research 263, 122193.