Meet the researchers at this year’s EUBCE

It is time to address stakeholders from industry, policy makers and farmers in order to make further progress. Come meet FACCE SURPLUS at this year's European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) in Lisbon, May 27-May 30.

FACCE SURPLUS is present when the EUBCE takes place in Lisbon 27-30 May 2019. Photo: ©EUBCE
FACCE SURPLUS is present when the EUBCE takes place in Lisbon 27-30 May 2019. Photo: ©EUBCE

Combating climate change, securing biodiversity and biomass and improving production conditions for farmers are not typical national problems. They concern us all. The European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) offers the perfect setting for researchers and stakeholders to meet – and hence, FACCE SURPLUS is of course present when this event takes place in Lisbon 27-30 May 2019.

FACCE SURPLUS opened its first call for transnational research projects in January 2015 and the projects all started in the first months of 2016. They range from the development of heavy metals agromining to the optimization of farming strategies, such as agroforestry or crop rotations.

Several projects focus on the development of models, pathways and options in order to reach Sustainable Intensification (SI) and to deliver UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some address the photosynthesis performance and/or the resilience against stresses of food crops such as barley or of the energy crop miscanthus.

As the projects will finish in 2019, promising results and approaches have already been achieved – of which many are currently being further developed. Now is the time to address stakeholders from the industry, policy makers and farmers in order to make further progress and to be able to link research and policies, farming practices and socio-economical aspects.

According to FACCE SURPLUS Project Coordinator, Nicolas Tinois, the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition offers the perfect setting to do just that.

- There is a need for ways to secure on the one hand, a faster uptake of research results, and on the other hand, an optimal feedback to the research with regards to e.g. needs of the industry, economic viability, farming data.  This event is seen as a great opportunity by the researchers to reach new stakeholders they would not reach in other events, and therefore as a chance to disseminate their project results as well as to prepare a follow-up of the research driven, e.g. with the aim of an industrial valorization.

Visit the FACCE SURPLUS stand no. 25 for more information on how to network with both existing and new projects now and in the future. We are located right next to the networking area.


Interested? Here are a few highlights from the projects funded in the frame of the first FACCE SURPLUS Call:

BioC4 has shown the potential for biogas utilization of the C4 compounds obtained from miscanthus  

Visit the BioC4 project website

MISCOMAR has used miscanthus on polluted and marginal lands with success and proved thereby the improvement of soil fertility 

Visit the MISCOMAR project website

SidaTim has created a software tool to generate 3D models of trees and to calculate the solar energy reduction on the ground due to the trees’ shadow projections 

Visit the SidaTim project website

Sweedhart has developed a modified harvester removing weed seeds from the chaff on the field 

Visit the Sweedhart project website

SUSTAg has highlighted the need for clear and flexible SI metrics to allow for decision making on SI options and of tailor-made policies in this regard

Visit the SUSTAg project website 

TSARA has identified trade-offs in delivering the SDGs, such as the attempt to mitigate the climate change while improving the yields 

Visit the TSARA project website

VITAL can present the high opportunities in Europe by adopting SI 

Visit the VITAL project website

PREAR has shown that crop rotations are a mechanism for delivering landscape diversity and developed an online tool to facilitate the use of that practice by farmers 

Visit the PREAR project website

SustainFARM has shown the benefits of agroforestry systems by describing innovative valorization pathways for value addition of woody components 

Visit the SustainFARM project website
VITISMART has improved grapevine productivity and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses by combining resistant cultivars and beneficial microorganisms for plant immunity and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses 

Visit the VITISMART project website
AGRONICKEL has used the agromining technology to produce energy and also reach a high yield of recovered pure nickel 

Visit the AGRONICKEL project website
OLIVE-MIRACLE has shown that the overall productivity of olives might well increase considering future climate scenarios 

Visit the OLIVE-MIRACLE project website

INTENSE has identified optimized organic amendments (compost, digestate biochar) for improvement of soil functions and ecosystem services 

Visit the INTENSE project website 



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