Popular science articles

Krogh, P.H. & Hvid, S.K. 2011. Regnormene overlever trods vandmasser. Food Culture, week 33.

Damsgaard Hansen, N. & Krogh, P.H. 2014. Stål er den største trussel: Vil man have flere regnorme i sin jord, skal man først og fremmest undlade jordbearbejdning og dernæst sørge for føde til dem i rigelige mængder. (FRDK_July_2014)

Damsgaard Hansen, N. & Krogh, P.H. 2014. Erfa-gruppe på alle fire

Griffiths, R.I., Asakawa, S. 2014. Soils as a habitat for organisms and as genetic pool. Submitted The Status of World Soil Resources Report (SWSR). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Griffiths, R.I., Lemanceau, P. 2014. Drivers of Soil bacterial biodiversity. Submitted to Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas.

Keith, A.M., Emmett, B.E., Griffiths, R.I., Henrys, P.A., Maskell, L.C., Norton, L.R., Ogle, S.M., Robinson, D.R., Smart, S.M., Wood, C. In review. Monitoring and Surveillance of soil ecosystem services. In Soil Ecosystem Services, Stromberger, Lindbo, and Comerford (Eds.), ASA-CSSA-SSSA.

Griffiths, R.I. 2012. “An underground voyage of discovery”. The Furrow (Award winning Farming Magazine by the John Deere corporation). (01/2012)

Breaking new ground on soil biodiversity across Europe

D. Stone, R. Creamer, R. Schmelz, E. Hannula, M. Bruee, B. Griffiths, P. Lemanceu. Teagasc, 2014.

Read full article here

Understanding the role of soil biodiversity in our soils. R. Creamer, Teagasc, Ireland. Magazine Article in “Organic Matters”. Spring 2012

Developing and Evaluating Indicators for Biodiversity

R. Creamer, Teagasc, Ireland. June 2013

The article was published in Research Highlights from Johnstown Castle in 2013.

EcoFINDERS in Research Media

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Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils

Seventh framework programme - Environment


Poster presenting the EcoFINDERS FP7 Project: