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Chair: Kaare Teilum, DANEMO, The University of Copenhagen
11:00-12:00 - Registration with coffee, lunch and poster hang up
12:00-12:20 - Welcome and Introducing EMBL, EMBO and DANEMO
Vice Dean Lise Arleth, Uni. of Copenhagen and Kaare Teilum, DANEMO
Chair: Mogens Høgh Jensen, University of Copenhagen
12:20-12:55 - Alexander Aulehla, Developmental Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg
Metabolic entrainment of developmental timing
12:55-13:20 - Mathias Spliid Heltberg, Niels Bohr Institute, Uni. of Copenhagen
Dynamics and droplets in DNA damage response
13:20-13:45 - Doug Speed, Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus Uni.
Computational tools to improve our understanding of the biological basis of complex traits
13:45-14:45 - Coffee and Poster session (even numbers)
Chair: Mogens Høgh Jensen, University of Copenhagen
14:45-15:20 - Alejandro Torres-Sanchez, Tissue Biol. and Disease Model., EMBL Barcelona
Break to build: exploring the role of fracture in morphogenesis
15:20-15:55 - Kim Sneppen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Cellular polarity and regulation of biological shapes
15:55-16:30 - Michael Dorrity, Structural and Computational Biol., EMBL Heidelberg
A single-cell view of rising temperature during embryogenesis
16:30-16:45 - Break
Chair: Jakob Knudsen, University of Copenhagen
16:45-17:20 - Nils Færgeman, Dep. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol., Uni. of Southern Denmark
Identification of novel signaling metabolites in humans by metabolic profiling
17:20-17:55 - Theodore Alexandrov, Struct. and Comput. Biol., EMBL Heidelberg
Spatial single-cell metabolomics reveals metabolic cell states
19:00-21:00 Dinner, Restaurant Sebastopol, Sankt Hans Torv 32, Copenhagen
Chair: Michael Kuhl, University of Copenhagen
9:00-9:30 - Detlev Arendt, EMBL Heidelberg and TREC
Cellular hotspots of variation
9:30-10:00 - Juraj Bergman, University of Aarhus
Tentative title: A macrogenomic perspective of mammalian biodiversity, ecology and evolutionary history
10:00-10:30 - Jing Tang, Department of Biol., Uni. of Copenhagen
Refining model realism of biological systems under climate change by integrating multiple scales of observations
10:30-10:45 - Break
Chair: Gerd Seibold, Danish Technical University
10:45-11:10 - Christian Kofoed, Princeton Uni., EMBO fellow
Selective cell targeting through logic-gated protein trans-splicing
11:10-11:35 - Jared Cregg, Dept Neurosci., Uni. Of Copenhagen, EMBO fellow
Measuring mouse behavior: Dissection of circuits for motor control
11:35-12:35 - Lunch and Posters (odd numbers)
Chair: Xu Peng, University of Copenhagen
12:35-13:10 - Georg Zeller, Structural and Comput. Biol., EMBL Heidelberg
Investigating composition, spatial organisation and function of microbial communities associated with colorectal cancer
13:10-13:45 - Sine Lo Svenningsen, Department of Biol., Uni. of Copenhagen
Changes to the major RNA pools of E. coli during adaptation to nutrient starvation
13:45-14:15 - Namiko Mitarai, Niels Bohr Institute, Uni. of Copenhagen
Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacteria-phage interactions
14:15-14:30 - Break
Chair: Michael Toft Overgaard, DANEMO, Aalborg University
14:30-15:05 - Amelia-Elena Rotaru, Uni. of Southern Denmark
Electron cross-feeding between bacteria and archaea
15:05-15:40 - Kalinka Sand Knudsen, Uni. of Aalborg
Microflora Danica: Uncovering biogeography and functional potential of methanotrophs across Denmark
15:40-16:15 - Katja Hose, TU/Wien
Data science for illuminating microbial dark matter
16:15-16:30 - Poster prize and Closing remarks