Microbiome Pillar Research Team

Microbiome Pillar Leadership Committee

Hauke Smidt

Co-PI, Chair of Microbiome Pillar

Research Theme Co-Lead 

Personal Chair ‘Complex Microbial Ecosystems’ at the Laboratory of Microbiology

Coordinator, UNLOCK research infrastructure

Wageningen University & Research

Email: hauke.smidt@wur.nl 

Luca Guardabassi

Professor of One Health AMR

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Email: lg@sund.ku.dk

Ole Højberg

Senior Researcher

Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Aarhus University

Email: ole.hojberg@anivet.au.dk

Michiel Kleerebezem


Host-Microbes Interactomics

Wageningen University & Research

Andreas Bäumler

Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

University of California, Davis

Email: ajbaumler@ucdavis.edu

Dennis Sandris Nielsen


Department of Food Science

Section for Food Microbiology and Fermentation

University of Copenhagen

Email: dn@food.ku.dk

Jeppe Lund Nielsen

Professor in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Department of Chemistry and Bioscience

Aalborg University 

Email: jln@bio.aau.dk

Jerry Wells


Wageningen University & Research

Early Career Researchers

Gwen Meijers

PhD student

Laboratory of Microbiology

Wageningen University & Research

Research Topic: Assembly and resilience of pig intestinal microbiomes

Email: gwen.meijers@wur.nl

Sina Maschek

PhD student

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

University of Copenhagen 

Email: sina@sund.ku.dk

Barış Erhan Özdinç

PhD student

Laboratory of Microbiology

Wageningen University & Research

Research Topic: The biogeography of the developing piglet intestinal microbiome

Email: baris.ozdinc@wur.nl

Alfredo Chavez-Arroyo

Post Doc (Ph.D)

Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology

University of California, Davis

Research Topic: Using in vivo mouse models to investigate the microbiota during the weaning process in piglets. Additionally, we're investigating the role of endogenous Enterobacteriaceae in providing colonization resistance to ETEC

Email: alchavez@ucdavis.edu

Oshin Vellalara

PhD Student 

Host Microbe Interactomics Group

Department of Animal Sciences

Wageningen University & Research

Research Topic: Mechanistic in vitro organoid models to explore microbiome manipulation and nutritional strategies in combating Post-Weaning Diarrhea in Piglets

Email: oshin.vellalara@wur.nl