Host Pillar Research Team

Host Pillar Leadership Committee

Merete Fredholm

co-PI, Chair of Host Pillar

Professor, DVM, PhD, Dr.Vet.Sci.

Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Email :

Anna Schönherz


Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 

Aarhus University 


Jens Peter Nielsen


Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Claus B. Jørgensen

Associate Professor

Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Henrik Elvang Jensen

Professor,, Dipl. ECVP

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen


Michiel Kleerebezem


Host-Microbes Interactomics

Wageningen University & Research

Peter Karlskov-Mortensen

Associate Professor, Coordinator - Scenarios for Sustainable Animal Production in the Future

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Animal Genetics & Breeding

University of Copenhagen


Hauke Smidt

Personal Chair ‘Complex Microbial Ecosystems’ at the Laboratory of Microbiology

Coordinator, UNLOCK research infrastructure

Wageningen University & Research


Jan Gorodkin


Preclinical Disease Biology

University of Copenhagen

Nuria Canibe

Senior Researcher

Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Aarhus University


Early Career Researchers

Cecilie Brandt Becker

DVM, PhD student and ECVP resident

Department for Special Pathology, Veterinary and Animal Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Research Topic: Pathological characterization of the interaction between the intestinal barrier and the microbiome in order to distinguish the robust and the non-robust (susceptible) pigs with regard to post-weaning diarrhea


Ulia Renfelia Baysi

PhD student

Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Aarhus University


Malene Kjelin Morsing

Post Doc

University of Copenhagen 

Jiahong Sun

PhD student 

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Research Topic: Omics studies in the pig aimed at identifying microbiome- and host factors of importance to sustainable breeding and intestinal health in pigs


Janneke Elzinga

Post Doc

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences 

University of Copenhagen 

Research Topic: Mucin-microbe interactions in the porcine gastrointestinal tract


Martin Peter Rydal

Post Doc

University of Copenhagen

Mohak Gujare

PhD student

Host Microbe Interactomics Lab, Department of Animal Sciences

Wageningen University & Research

Reserach Topic: Development of prognostic microbiome biomarker to predict post-weaning diarrhea before diarrhea development in young piglets using multivariate statistical modelling and machine learning approaches



Emil Ibragimov

Post Doc

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen
