ECR Spotlight: poster presentation at EMBO|EMBL Symposium
📊 In September, our ECR Stine Karstenskov Østergaard presented her poster titled "Unraveling the significance of epithelial-associated bacteria in gastrointestinal diseases: Importance of choosing an optimal extraction method" in the EMBO|EMBL: The Human Microbiome Symposium.

📊 In September, our ECR Stine Karstenskov Østergaard (PhD student from Aalborg University) presented her poster titled "Unraveling the significance of epithelial-associated bacteria in gastrointestinal diseases: Importance of choosing an optimal extraction method" in the EMBO|EMBL: The Human Microbiome Symposium.
🌟 The conference provided a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in human microbiome research, and it was an invaluable opportunity to network with experts and engage in inspiring discussions. Stine’s poster presented results relate to optimizing DNA extraction method on tissue with low microorganisms: human DNA.
🐽 Stine's PhD project in PIG-PARADIGM investigates local changes in the intestinal microbiome of mainly ulcerative colitis patients, examining the connection between inflamed tissue, markers of inflammation, and dysbiosis. The study's unique approach includes a parallel investigation in pigs, capitalizing on the physiological similarities between humans and pigs, aiming to uncover translational insights into colitis-complex diarrhea (CCD) in pigs, which shares characteristics with human UC.