August Monthly Seminar by Early Career Researcher group and the Data Integration Pillar
After a short summer break, PIG-PARADIGM participants reconvened for our Monthly Seminar, which was co-hosted by the Early Career Researcher group and the Data Integration Pillar.
After a short summer break, PIG-PARADIGM participants reconvened for our Monthly Seminar, which was co-hosted by the Early Career Researcher group and the Data Integration Pillar. Mike Loomans, a PhD student from Wageningen University & Research and a member of the Data Integration Pillar, led the seminar with his supervisor, Jasper Koehorst, a research theme lead in the Data Integration Pillar.
This seminar focused on the importance of metadata in PIG-PARADIGM and how to effectively work with it. Following insightful plenary discussions, participants were divided into breakout rooms for small group discussions. They worked on the project Metadata Sheet, which provides guidance and ensures alignment on the proper terminology and acquisition of metadata from samples generated within PIG-PARADIGM.
Curious about what metadata is? Check out this explainer video PIG-PARADIGM Explainers: Metadata with Mike Loomans
To learn more about metadata and the working being done in Mike's group, visit 👉