Hosted by Norwegian node, NCMM (Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway), the 4th annual Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine Meeting took place 17-19 September 2013 in Oslo. This year’s meeting was held in the stimulating environment of the Oslo Science Park, the home of NCMM.
These annual partnership meetings encourage researchers of all levels from all nodes to challenge their science knowledge base, find their next collaborator, spark their career, and widen their network. The 2013 meeting did just that by drawing together scientists and staff from all four of the Nordic nodes and featuring keynote talks from EMBL.
Science was the highlight - putting on display major research advances from all four nodes and providing opportunities for new connections to form. Special guest Leif Eriksson presented efforts by NordForsk to support Nordic research cooperation. Junior researchers from all four nodes gathered for an afternoon before the scientiifc program began and held a CV clinic with experts from the University of Oslo Career Centre and peer working groups.
Photos by Johannes Landskron and Jean S. Lorentzen (NCMM/BiO/UiO)