Webinar: Overview of the requirements for "Early career researchers mobility grant 2025/ 2026"

On 17 December from 10-11 CET we invite you to join a webinar that dives into the requirements for the "Early career researchers mobility grant 2025/ 2026".

At the occasion of CORE Organic’s 20th Anniversary of activities marked this year the network launches the call “Early career researchers mobility grant 2025/ 2026”.

The call was announced on 29 November and as a next step the CORE Organic team invites all interested applicants to join a webinar, that will give an overview over the requirements of the call and open up for questions. 

Time and date: 17 December from 10-11 CET

Join us at Zoom: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/67985055118

Find the full call for proposals here

The CORE Organic Pleiades acts as a platform for policy exchange and it is focusing on increasing R&I funding to support the targets for organic food, farming and aquaculture set out in the European Green Deal.