ORGANIC WORLD CONGRESS 2024: Presenting Two Decades of Transnational Cooperation
At the Organic World Congress 2024 in Taiwan, Ivana Trkulja, Coordinator of the CORE Organic network, was invited to make a presentation at a fishbowl session.

At the Organic World Congress 2024 hosted by IFOAM - Organics International at the Nanhua University, Taiwan, Ivana Trkulja, Coordinator of the CORE Organic Network and Special Consultant at ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, enjoyed the privilege of making a presentation at the fishbowl session “20+ Years of Organizations Promoting Organic Growth: Insights and Lessons Learned”.
The presentation highlighted the activities in the CORE Organic network as a European model for transnational collaboration to support organic food and farming research.
The session also featured inspiring contributions from other veterans within the field of organics - the Chinese Organic Agriculture Association and the “Economy of Love” initiative of Egyptian SEKEM Group - triggering a fruitful exchange of ideas.
Decades of collective knowledge and actionable insights were shared inspiring participants to apply the models presented when continuing their work on furthering organic practices.
The OWC event offered a visibility to ICROFS’s work, both as coordinator of the Danish Organic RDD research programme and as the CORE Organic network secretariat.
OWC is held every three years involving organic farmers, producers, researchers, and policy experts from around the world. The aim is to present the latest advancements, research findings, and best practices in organic farming, agroecology, and sustainable food systems.