Foodpaths - 2nd Funders' Forum
On 8 February 2023, around 100 attendees representing ministries, industry, education, funding agencies and various members of the research community joined the FOODPathS 2nd Funders' Forum and had the opportunity to listen to the latest news on the development of the Sustainable Food Systems Partnership and the role of FOODPathS in this process.
On 8 February 2023 presentatives from European ministries and members of the research community met in Brussels for the Funder's Forum. The purpose of the funder's forum was to discuss and co-create funding strategies and mechanisms of the future Sustainable Food Systems Partnership. The extensive program consisted of three presentations followed by discussions followed by an interactive session in the afternoon where participants were invited to join discussions based on a food system conceptual model.
Please find more information and resources fromthe event on the FOODPathS website