TP Organics and CORE Organic at Science Day at BioFach 2018
The morning session of Science Day will be organised in cooperation with ERA-Net CORE Organic and dedicated to EU research and innovation policy. What will be the place of organics in the new EU policies that are currently being developed?

Inspired by testimonies about how previous research projects have benefited organic companies, participants will discuss how research in the organic sector can contribute to more sustainable food systems.
The half-day conference will include presentations from the European Commission, testimonies from CORE Organic projects and a 1 hour workshop focussing on strategies for minimal food processing and reconnecting consumers with food production. The conference will close with a roundtable discussion with the European Commission, the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food as well the organic sector.
- Eduardo Cuoco, Head of Secretariat, TP Organics
- Hans-Joerg Lutzeyer, Senior Expert, Unit Agri-Food Chain, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
- Annette Schneegans, Senior Expert, Unit Research and Innovation, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
- Albert Esper, Meridian Fruchthandelsgesellschaft mbH, Germany
- Giovanni Marino, G-teK srl / CREA-IT Milano, Italy
- Hanns-Christoph Eiden, President, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Germany
- Philippe Vinçon, General Director, DG Education and Research, French Ministry of Agriculture and Food
- Marian Blom, GB member CORE Organic, Bionext, the Netherlands
- Workshop facilitators: Bram Moeskops (TP Organics), Ivana Trkulja (ICROFS), Lucie Andeltova (BLE), Marco Schlüter (Naturland)
Contact person
Bram Moeskops, Senior Scientific Coordinator, Tel. +32 2 416 27 61,