Greenresilient experimental site visit: Innovative greenhouse practices in France
The Greenresilient project organised a visit on July 9th to the experimental sites in Avignon (France) to discuss the latest research about crop mixtures, functional biodiversity and mulching in the framework of organic greenhouse production.

Greenresilient project partners in France, Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (GRAB), organised an experimental site visit on July 9th, 2020, to showcase their experiments and preliminary results. About 50 farmers, farm advisors, market gardeners, technicians, network coordinators, companies and teachers attended the site visit.
Experimental site visit to GRAB in Avignon, France, July 2020. Photo: Jérôme Lambion, GR:
Visitors were presented protocols and results of different trials. They were very interested in Greenresilient project results because they are mindful of the importance of resilience and durability under organic greenhouses. Crop mixture and functional biodiversity are topics that especially concern producers. Discussions between researchers and visitors were interesting and constructive. Summer crops in 2020 were cucumber and tomatoes, cultivated in two tunnels, according to the experimental design reported below.
Crops planted and applied innovations in Tunnel 5 and 6, experimental year 2020, Greenresilient project experimental site GRAB, Avignon, France. Source: Jérôme Lambion, GRAB:
Greenresilient experimental site France -
Greenesilient partners - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (GRAB), France
GRAB’s site visit article and results (FR):
Jérôme Lambion, Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (GRAB),,
Lauren Dietemann, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL),,
Helga Willer, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL),,
Editor: Karin Ullven / Design: Christine Dilling