5 proposals selected in the CORE Organic call "Organic farming systems for improved mixed plant and animal production"
Based on the expert evaluation, on 29 June 2021, the Call Board selected for funding 5 project consortia in the sub-topics: Robust and resilient mixed animal farming systems and Support for robust and resilient crop production systems.

The ERA-NET CORE Organic Cofund launched its Third Call for research proposals in January 2021. The funding network consists of 13 funding bodies from 13 countries: Algeria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, committing around 5M EUR for transnational research call on "Organic farming systems for improved mixed plant and animal production".
The call followed a one-step evaluation procedure with a total number of 24 proposals that were submitted. The Call Secretariat and the Call Board performed an eligibility assessment approving 22 eligible proposals that were then evaluated by international peer-reviewers according to the criteria and procedure stated in the Call Announcement.
Based on the expert evaluation, on 29 June 2021, the Call Board selected for funding 5 project consortia in the following sub-topics:
Sub-topic 1: Robust and resilient mixed animal farming systems, project:
- RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems (ROAM-FREE)
Sub-topic 2: Support for robust and resilient crop production systems, projects:
- Resilient organic berry cropping systems through enhanced biodiversity and innovative management strategies (ResBerry)
- Diversifying organic crop production to increase resilience (DIVERSILIANCE)
- Developing intercropping systems with camelina to increase the yield and quality parameters of local underutilized crops (SCOOP)
- Agroecology Living Labs to promote robust and resilient Organic production systems (ALL-Organic)
Sub-topic 3: Eco-efficient production and use of animal feed at local level:
No selected projects.
The expected start of the projects is autumn 2021.
The links to all relevant CORE Organic Third Call 2021 Documents and to the submission tool can be found below:
The CORE Organic Third Call Announcement including the National Regulations is available here.
Recordings from the CORE Organic Third Call Webinar on 19 January 2021 are available here.
FAQ: Here is link to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The link for CORE Organic Cofund Submission web-site is available here