29 full-proposals for joint call “Towards sustainable and organic food systems"
The Joint Call of the ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 & CORE Organic Cofund full-proposals phase closed on 27 March 2020. A total number of 29 full-proposals were submitted in the Joint Call of ERA-NET SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic Cofunds.

The submitted full-proposals include collaboration of more than 150 researchers and have focused on the following call topics:
- Topic 1: Resource-efficient, circular and zero-waste food systems (17 proposals)
- Topic 2: Diversity in food from field to plate (5 proposals)
- Topic 3: Mild food processing (6 proposals)
- Topic 4: Sustainable and smart packaging (1 proposal)
The proposals are assessed for eligibility by the Call Board members and evaluated by international peer-reviewers following the criteria and procedure stated in the Call Announcement and Evaluation guidelines. Based on the expert evaluation, final selection decision by the Call Board will be announced in June 2020.
The network consists of 21 funding bodies from 18 countries/regions, committing around 9.5M EUR for transnational research.
Access to the submission tool and all relevant Call Documents can be found following this link: