In total 24 full-proposals for the CORE Organic call "Organic farming systems for improved mixed plant and animal production"

The ERA-NET CORE Organic Cofund Third Call 2021 for research proposals was closed on 8 March 2021. A total number of 25 full-proposals has been submitted.

The submitted full-proposals have focused on the following three call sub-topics:

  • Sub-topic 1: Robust and resilient mixed animal farming systems
  • Sub-topic 2: Support for robust and resilient crop production systems
  • Sub-topic 3: Eco-efficient production and use of animal feed at local level

The funding network consists of 13 funding bodies from 13 countries, committing around 5M EUR for transnational research. 

The call follows a one-step evaluation procedure where the proposals are first assessed for eligibility by the Call Secretariat and the Call Board members. The proposals are then evaluated by the international peer-reviewers following criteria and procedure stated in the Call Announcement. Based on the expert evaluation, the Call Board will make the final selection decision that will be announced in July 2021.

For additional information about the CORE Organic Cofund Third Call, please see:

Editor: Karin Ullven / Design: Christine Dilling   

CORE Organic Cofund is an ERA-NET funded by the European Commission´s
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Contract No. 727495.