Aarhus University Seal

Membrane Afternoon - 26 Sept. 2024

On Thursday 26 September 2024 from 12:30-16:30, AUSBI is hosting a kick-off meeting for the Membranes Interest Group.

The AUSBI Membrane Afternoon welcomes all researchers across departments at Aarhus University, who is interested in membranes and membrane proteins. 
The aim is to bring together researchers at all levels interested in membranes and membrane protein research with the goal to furthering the exchange of experience and knowledge and provide a catalyst for collaboration.

Registration link: https://events.au.dk/ausbimembraneafternoon
Please register by Monday 23 September (free of charge), so we can order catering accordingly.

The meeting is open to everyone interested, and we strongly encourage both group leaders, junior researchers, and students to join. 
Participants are highly encouraged to bring a poster about their research (re-use of excisting posters are perfectly fine).

Note that group leaders are highly encouraged to participate in order to stimulate attendance for the rest of their group, and bring forward valuable input about possible method-expertise and collaborations across groups and departments.


  • Anna Duncan, Dept. Chemistry, AU
  • Rasmus Kock Flygaard, Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics, AU
  • Joseph Lyons, Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics / iNANO, AU

Program for the AUSBI Membrane Afternoon

Date: Thursday 26 September 2024
Venue: "Nucleus" auditorium (1871-120), Universitetsbyen 81, Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University

  • 12:30: Coffee & poster hang-up (outside auditorium 1871-120)
  • 13:00 Welcome by AUSBI steering group member (5 min)
  • 13:05 Introduction to membranes and membrane protein research at Aarhus University by meeting organizers (25 min)
  • 13:25 Focus talk by invited speaker: Fulvio Reggiori, Dept. Biomedicine on "Establishment of the phagophore-endoplasmic reticulum exit sites membrane contact site initiates phagophore elongation during autophagy" (20 min + 10 min for Q&A)
  • 13:55 Break with coffee and cake (20 min)
  • 14:15 Focus talk by invited speaker: Steffen Sinning, Dept. Forensic Medicine on "Development of fluorescent biosensors of monoamine neurotransmitters and their applications in neuroscience and molecular pharmacology" (20 min + 10 min for Q&A)
  • 14:45 Plenum discussion / open forum (10 min)
  • 15:00 Flash slide talks introducing posters (max 2 min each)
  • 15:30 Poster session (outside auditorium 1871-120)
  • 16:00 Pizza and drinks available (in the MBG canteen)
  • 16:15 Possibility to see the MBG BioPhysics and Biochemistry Core Facility (1874-652 & 1874-639)

Publication reads before the meeting

Everyone attending the AUSBI Membrane Afternoon meeting is highly encouraged to prepare by ready the folowing papers.

Important note, if you are a PhD student:
- The PhD schools from MBG, iNANO, CHEM and PHYS have agreed, that PhD students participating in three AUSBI Afternoon Meetings and an AUSBI Annual Meeting can claim 1 ECTS annually.
- Before each Afternoon Meeting, the PhD student has to read and understand a publication, which will be announced in advance of each meeting (for this meeting, please read the paper on genral introduction of concepts). 
- Please inform Karen Bech-Pedersen (karenb@mbg.au.dk), if you wish to have registered your attendance to obtain the ECTS point.

Paper on general introduction of concepts
(mandatory for PhD students to obtain ECTS point, according to the above info):

Additional papers (not mandatory, but nice to read in advance)

- Paper by invited speaker Fulvio Reggiori:

- Paper by invited speaker Steffen Sinning:

Poster information

All participants are highly encouraged to bring a research poster (re-use of existing poster is perfectly fine).

The poster boards have the dimensions: 190 cm high, and 84 cm wide.
This fits well with A0 poster format (which is 1189mm tall and 841mm wide), but no specific poster size format is requested though.

Poster hanging guidelines:

  • Please hang your poster outside the "Nucleus" auditorium (1871-120) upon your arrival.
  • There will be poster boards available, as well as poster gum and pins.
  • Remeber to take your poster down at the end of the day.