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Session at Nordic TAG 2022 from April 21-23 organized by the ANTHEA team
The ANTHEA team is on writing retreat at Klitgaarden, Skagen on February 18-25.
Coverage of the project at CORDIS, the EU research results webpage
Rural Denmark in Medieval times, conference in Ribe.
2nd week of our excavation of Store Vejlhøj near Skaansø, Northern Jutland.
27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
"Den måde, vi bebor kloden på i dag, er ingen selvfølge. Når vi studerer (for)historien opdager vi bæredygtige, langsigtede og resiliente…
Thursday 26 August 2021
New paper out on the long-term dimensions of enclosure and processes leading to collapsing commons. Published in LAND and co-authored with Marie L…
Blogpost 23 June 2021
Wild and wishful: The emergence of heathlands as anthropogenic assemblage
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