Bronze 2022’: APRAB conference in Metz, France
ANTHEA participation at the annual APRAB colloque bringing a multispecies dimension into GIS-focused Bronze Age research

The annual APRAB colloque was held in Metz, France, from June 22nd to 25th on the theme: ‘Modèles d'occupation du sol à l'âge du Bronze en Europe’ (Models of land use during the European Bronze Age). Mark Haughton presented a paper (co-written with Mette) on ANTHEA’s work on the Bronze Age use of heathlands in Denmark, entitled: “Social organisation and the management of developing heathland landscapes in the Nordic Bronze Age / L’organisation sociale et la gestion du développement des paysages de landes à l’âge du Bronze nordique”.
It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with colleagues working on similar questions and themes across Northern Europe, and particularly to see the wonderful depth of evidence out there and extoll the virtues of the heath!