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The article explores how the emergence of social landscapes structured by boundary grids might have changed and significantly structured people’s…
Horizon. The EU Research and Innovation Magazine has published a nice article about the research being done by the ANTHEA team.
The ANTHEA team was joined by distinguished anthropologist Anna Tsing on a tour in June 2022.
Article by Mark Haughton in European Journal of Archaeology
In partnership with researchers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Aarhus University, Professor Mette Løvschal from the Faculty of Arts has been…
ANTHEA participation at the annual APRAB colloque bringing a multispecies dimension into GIS-focused Bronze Age research
Article by Mette Løvschal and Marie Ladekjær Gravesen about fences and the conflicts they cause in Maasai Mara in Kenya
AU-MOMU joint bi-annual seminar, 14.00 –17.00. Read more here
ANTHEA team members hosted a session as part of the Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group conference in Oslo April 21-23, 2022
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