Aarhus University Seal

Measuring the economic spill-over from the creative industry

Project Description

The aim of this project is to measure the spill-over potential from the creative industry to other industries through the development of a measurement tool (a questionnaire). With such an analytical tool, it will be possible to determine economic growth within a region stemming from the creative industry. Furthermore, we anticipate that the finding from the tool development along with the results from the use of such a tool can contribute to the general data gathering process for Rethink2017.

The European Union argues that creativity will foster economic growth. The internal logic seems to be that "creativity" is a skill that can be applied in a broad way, and that developing the populations' artistic creativity will foster creativity and innovation in other sectors. This project adapts this view of the creative industry as a dynamic supplier of innovations and creativity to companies in other industries. The potential spill-over from the creative industry is comparative to the established spill-over from the ICT industry. Hence, the creative industry spill-over represents an exploited economic value from companies capable of adopting, retaining, and absorbing the output from the creative industry.

Read the interview with Kristina Risom Jespersen here

Project Partners

  • Morten Berg Jensen, Lektor, PhD, Institut for Økonomi, AU
  • Rune Bysted, Adjunkt, Phd, Institut for Økonomi, AU
  • Damiana Rigamonti, Adjunkt, PhD, Institut for Økonomi, AU