Aarhus University Seal

Clear waters from Pharmaceuticals 2 (CWPharma 2)

Clear waters from pharmaceuticals extension stage of Clean water from Pharmaceuticals

Residues of active pharmaceutical ingredients from wastewater contaminate the water and of the Baltic Sea.

In CWPharma 2, partners from 7 countries work on removing active pharmaceutical ingredients (Pharmaceuticals/API) from the main input route i.e. wastewater by verifying the effectiveness of the CWPharma guidelines especially on removal of APIs (3.4) from wastewater to decrease the input into the Baltic Sea.

Guideline for advanced API removal. 3.4: Optimization and control of advanced treatment.

About the project:

Duration: 1/1/2021 – 31/12/2021

Total Budget: 820.831 €

Funding by European Development Fund: 634.523,34 €

CWpharma 2 is coordinated by Aarhus University

Kai Bester

Mail: kb@envs.au.dk

Phone: +4587158552