Aarhus University Seal

Quantum materials

At Aarhus University, several research groups are dedicated to the exploration of quantum materials using diverse research methodologies. Quantum materials are celebrated for their remarkable electronic and magnetic properties, which emerge from the collective behaviours of electrons at the quantum level. This research spans a wide spectrum, from the nanoscale to the macroscale, and often involves fruitful collaborations among departments, including chemistry, physics, and nanoscience within the Faculty of Natural Science.

Quantum materials exhibit intriguing phenomena, such as superconductivity, topological insulating states, and quantum magnetism. The promise of quantum materials lies in their potential to fuel significant technological advances, including more efficient electronic devices, progress in quantum computing, breakthroughs in quantum cryptography, and the development of quantum sensing technology. These implications extend well beyond materials science and technology, influencing diverse fields such as medicine, finance, and cybersecurity, exemplifying the profound impact of science and technology on society.

Fundamental scientific discoveries play a pivotal role in advancing the next generation of quantum technology, with quantum materials serving as the bedrock for these cutting-edge technologies. The quest for new materials that will define the 21st century draws parallels with the transformative role that silicon-based electronics played in recent decades.

Jill Miwa, Quantum Materials

We are an experimental condensed matter physics group situated at Aarhus University's ASTRID2 synchrotron facility.  We explore the dynamic area of quantum materials research to uncover new physics. We grow these materials and investigate their remarkable electronic and structural properties using a combination of innovative surface scientific techniques, specifically, ultra-high vacuum variable-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy (UHV VT-STM) and synchrotron-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with nanoscale spatial resolution (nanoARPES). Group link.

Simon Wall, Ultrafast Dynamics of Quantum Materials

We use ultrashort pulses of laser light from low energy THz to high energy X-rays to control and measure the properties of quantum materials out of equilibrium. Group Link 

Søren Ulstrup, Nanoscale and femtosecond electronic structure

The miniaturization of electronic devices and the emergence of quantum materials with interfaces at the nano- and micro-meter length scales are calling for new methods to store and carry information, beyond conventional electronics. We study how new states of matter can be prepared and controlled using a combination of space- and time-resolved spectroscopies at synchrotrons and ultrafast laser sources. Our central focus is two-dimensional materials stacked into heterostructures, which allows for unconventional technologies such as valleytronics and twistronics to be explored in the context of atomically-thin devices. https://sorenulstrup.com/

Philip Hofmann, Electronic structure of solids and 2D materials

PH's group uses photoemission techniques to study the electronic structure of quantum materials. Special emphasis lies on ultrafast and non-equilibrium phenomena. Philip Hofmann’s research group.

Yong Chen, Laboratory of Quantum Materials and Quantum Measurements

Villum Center for Hybrid Quantum Materials and Devices; Laboratory of Quantum Materials and Quantum Measurements (LQ2M2). Experimental condensed matter, materials and nano physics. Studies of 2D and topological quantum materials, and quantum devices using multi-modal measurements combining transport with scanning probe microscopy or optical spectroscopy, motivated by applications in energy and quantum technologies.Yong Chen group page.

Martin Bremholm, Quantum Materials and Extreme Conditions

Discovery, synthesis, crystal growth of quantum materials, and exploration under extreme conditions. Quantum materials studied include topological insulators, superconductors, layered materials and multiferroics.chem.au.dk/bremholm

Maarten Goesten (computational, prediction, superconductors)

Theoretical and computational research on quantum materials. High-temperature and anisotropic-gap superconductivity, Electron correlation and entanglement, Anharmonic nuclear dynamics, Topological and group-theoretical aspects of the wavefunction. Link

Bo Brummerstedt Iversen (single-molecule magnets)

Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) are metal-organic complexes that can retain their magnetization over a
prolonged period of time in the absence of an external magnetic field. This unique property makes SMMs promising candidates for quantum computing qubits. Our research focuses on the analysis of magneto-structural relationships within SMMs, employing advanced experimental techniques including Polarized Neutron Diffraction and high-resolution Synchrotron X-Ray DiffractionGroup Link.

Shuai Wei (phase change materials)

Novel amorphous materials for innovative technologies, including phase-change materials for future non-volatile phase-change memory devices. Using synchrotron X-rays/neutron scattering and state-of-the-art thermal analytical techniques, the atomic-scale structure, thermodynamics, and kinetics of amorphous states of these materials are investigated. chem.au.dk/AmorphousMatLab 

Mogens Christensen (magnetism)

Quantum nanocomposite magnets combine hard and soft magnets at the nanoscale and have the potential to revolutionize magnetic materials and offer solutions to geopolitical issues connected to rare earth elements. Quantum exchange-coupling is a crucial aspect of these second-generation magnets. Magnetic materials also play a crucial role in the proposed next-generation computing architecture such as magnonics, spintronics and quantum computing. These applications often rely on specialized material properties, e.g. multiferroics for spintronics and antisymmetric exchange for qubits. Energy-converting Materials link.

Brigitte Städler, Laboratory for Cell Mimicry

Quantum Phenomena in Adaptive Materials for Soft Robotics. inano.au.dk/about/research-groups/brigitte-stadler

Marcel Mudrich

Ultrafast dynamics of quantum-correlated electrons and quantum fluid clusters. Cluster Dynamics Group Link.

Steen Brøndsted Nielsen & Lars H. Andersen, Quantum Biophysics

Biochromophores are potential qubits for future quantum computers, that is, systems where it is possible to realize superposition states of say the ground state and excited electronic states. Here, challenges are fast deactivation pathways (short lifetimes) and the susceptibility to environmental disturbances. Fundamental knowledge on the intrinsic photophysics may help to identify and design proper molecular systems. Importantly, we have developed laser-based techniques that may be used to determine the heights of energy barriers that hinder unwanted internal relaxation in the electronically excited state of chromophores. Also, our experimental techniques allow us to freeze out quantum states and explore the coupling between electronic states and vibrational ones and provide a detailed picture at the quantum level. Our experiments are not stand-alone but go hand in hand with quantum-chemical modelling. The latter aids in the interpretation of our data but at the same time we provide true benchmarks that are needed to test and improve current models.

Group link LarsGroup link Steen 

Christian Hirsch

Characterization and modeling of material morphologies via tools from topological data analysis. https://christian-hirsch.netlify.app/