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Together with partners from LEO Pharma, the AU participants from the CELPPLUS project aims to improve the screening of potential drug candidates.
The IMPAD project team includes partners from both Aarhus University and H. Lundbeck. Together they will identify biomarkers for Parkinson's Disease…
The P2P CPP project was initiated by STIpe therapeutics and the team aims to develop a safe and efficient means of getting drugs into cells.
Jonathan Niclis from Novo Nordisk is an industry partner MiCO Platform project. He here explains, why the open approach to innovation and…
NanoString Technologies is an active industry partner on the ODIN project BIOMETSCO. Below, Rudy Van Eijsden explains why they have chosen to…
Michael Nyberg and his team from Novo Nordisk are industry partners on the THOR project funded by ODIN. Here, he explains how the collaboration on…
CEO in omiics, Morten Venø, here explains why it is important for a SMV like omiics to participate in ODIN's open innovation platform.
Jørgen Kjems, head of the oLIVEr project, highlight the importance of the open collaborations in ODIN projects.
The THOR project is headed by Jacob Fog Bentzon in collaboration with Mette Nyegaard. Michael Nyberg and his team from Novo Nordisk are industry…
Head of the KidDO project, Robert Fenton, will elaborate on the advantages of open collaborations in his ODIN project.
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