The BioPsych team will use post-morten brain tissue from psychiatric patients to help them develop new radiotracers for live imaging and personalized treatments of diseases such as schizophrenia, biopolar disorder and depression.
The academic team will collaborate with key persons from the industry partners Bioneer and omiics.
On this page, you can find all of the news from ODIN, which is related to the BioPsych project. You are always welcome to contact Betina Elfving, if you would like more information about the BioPsych project.
BioPsych is short for "Identification of BIOmarkers in the human PSYCHiatric brain – focusing on non-coding RNAs and sex differences"
In ODIN, all findings and results will be shared openly.
Researchers working on ODIN projects are encouraged to upload all of their findings to the ODIN community on Zenodo - see the link to the right.
If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to contact the ODIN secretariat.