Aarhus University Seal

The BALDER team aims identify new drug targets for Type 2 Diabetes together with their industry partner Novo Nordisk. To do so, they will develop novel statistical modelling approaches and use already existing genomic data.

On this page, you can find all of the news from ODIN, which is related to the BALDER project. If you are curious about more information, you are always welcome to contact Peter Sørensen, who is head of the BALDER project.

BALDER is short for "Bayesian AnaLysis of Diabetes for Enhanced biomarkeR and drug target identification".

Main contact for the BALDER project

Company involved in the BALDER project

Our OPEN approach to innovation in science

In ODIN, all findings and results will be shared openly. 

Researchers working on ODIN projects are encouraged to upload all of their findings to the ODIN community on Zenodo - see the link to the right.

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to contact the ODIN secretariat.