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Senior Lecturer from UNSW Australia, Paul Dawson is visiting Narrative Research Lab!

January 2014, the internationally recognized scholar and writer of fiction and poetry, Paul Dawson is visiting Aarhus University.

Paul Dawson is a writer of fiction and poetry, and an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of narrative theory and Creative Writing as an academic discipline.

Paul’s first book of poems, Imagining Winter (Interactive Press, 2006), won the 2006 national IP Picks Best Poetry Award, and his poetry has been anthologised in Contemporary Asian Australian Poets (Puncher and Wattmann, 2013) and Harbour City Poems: Sydney in Verse 1788-2008 (Puncher & Wattmann, 2009). Paul’s short stories and poems have appeared in a range of literary journals and newspapers, both in Australia and overseas, including: Meanjin, Island, Southerly, Overland, Snorkel, Slope (US), The Sleeper's Almanac, Australian Poetry Journal, Blue Dog: Australian Poetry, Imago: New Writing, and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Paul is the author of Creative Writing and the New Humanities (London/New York: Routledge, 2005), a comprehensive international account of the historical origins, theoretical underpinnings, and disciplinary future of Creative Writing programmes.

Paul's scholarly research focusses on narrative theory and contemporary fiction. His article, "The Return of Omniscience in Contemporary Fiction" won the 2010 prize for Best Essay in Narrative, awarded by the International Society for the Study of Narrative. He has just completed an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP110100721) entitled "The return of the omniscient narrator in contemporary fiction: authorship and narrative authority in the new millennium", and is currently working on a project investigating the narrative turn across the humanities and social sciences.

Any students with interest in narrative studies are welcome to come by his office in 1485, 3rd floor.