28 projects invited to submit full proposals

On June 11, 2015 the Steering Committee of FACCE SURPLUS met in Berlin to discuss and select pre-proposals to be invited to submit full proposals. In total, 28 out of 67 research consortia have received an invitation to participate in the second application step.

The Steering Committee based its final decision on the ranking list made by the evaluators and decided to invite 28 pre-proposals to submit full proposals. Photo: Colourbox

Based on the number of submitted pre-proposals, there is significant interest in being part of the new ERA-NET Cofund FACCE SURPLUS. When the submission tool closed in March, a total of 67 pre-proposals involving 404 partners had been submitted.

Since then all pre-proposals have been checked for eligibility based on criteria defined in the call announcement, including national and organisational requirements and rules. During spring, the eligible proposals were evaluated by a panel of international experts and external reviewers – and ranked based on relevance to the scope of the call, European added value and potential scientific and/or technological excellence.

Read also: Background for FACCE SURPLUS

On June 11 the members of the Steering Committee were gathered in Berlin to select the final pre-proposals to be invited to submit full proposals. The requested funding from all 67 consortia amounted to 68 million euro – and as FACCE SURPLUS has a budget of approximately 17 million Euro, only the most relevant pre-proposals were given a chance to participate in the second step of the call. The Steering Committee based its final decision on the ranking list made by the evaluators and decided to invite 28 pre-proposals to submit full proposals.

To make sure the success rate for applicants is high, the Steering Committee decided to limit the oversubscription factor of each funding organisation, while securing a satisfactory number of full proposals to be evaluated for the purpose of choosing the final projects.

Read also: Evaluation process

The submission tool will open July 13, 2015 and the deadline to submit full proposals is 14 September, 2015. In step 2 an international peer review panel, the International Evaluation Committee (IEC), will evaluate the full proposals based on excellence, impact and quality and efficiency of the implementation and management. Each proposal will be reviewed by at least three independent experts. The ranking of full proposals will be conducted according to the evaluation results, and the selection of full proposals has to strictly follow the ranking list of evaluators.

An independent expert will serve as an observer during the evaluation of co-funded call.

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