Project start 1 January 2022
- PhD fellow Katinka Bundgård Fals starts 1 May 2022
- On October 4th 2022 we had a very inspirational meeting with the project's external panel comprising representatives from (in alphabetical order) Camp Adventure, Concito, Dansk Cykelturisme, DSB, Kilroy, Politiken, Scandic, Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune, and Visit Denmark.
- On October 27th 2022 Lars Kjerulf Petersen presented a paper titled "Towards sustainable vacationing in Europe" at the Enabling Sustainable Mobility Practices in Europe conference, organized by Amsterdam Centre for European Studies at University of Amsterdam.
- Throughout 2023 we have conducted extensive empirical studies: A questionnaire survey distributed in Denmark, Portugal and Sweden. 14 interviews and 6 focus groups with young adults. 18 interviews with respondents in the 50+ age segment and an additional 6 mail interviews.
- On 30 October to 1 November 2023 we conducted a PhD course on "The socio-cultural dimensions of green transition". 20 participants from Demnark, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden and USA, who took active part in a programme comprising lectures in the fields of environmental sociology, environmental communication and environmental & sustainability education.
- On 2-3 November 2023 we held a cross-disciplinary academic seminar on The nexus between media, learning and practice change in processes of green transition. There were around 30 participants and 13 very interesting presentations.
- On 14 November 2023 Lars Kjerulf Petersen gave a talk titled "Lifeworld transitions: Ethics and pleasures in (perhaps changing) vacation practices" at the iClimate annual workshop, Aarhus University Interdisciplinary centre for climate change, 14-15 Nov. 2023, Middelfart, Denmark.
- In August 2024, Katinka Bundgård Fals and Lars Kjerulf Petersen traveled by train from Copenhagen to Porto and back to participate in the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association.