Aarhus University Seal


  • Thorsøe, M.H., M. S. Andersen, M.V. Brady, M. Graversgaard, E. Kilis, A.B. Pedersen, S. Pitzén, H. Valve, 2021. Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy: lessons from the Baltic Sea. Ambio – a journal of environment and society. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13280-021-01549-3
  • Brady, M.V., M.S. Andersen, E. Kilis, S. Saareela and M.H. Thorsøe, 2021. Strengthening the policy framework to resolve lax implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan for agriculture. Ambio – a journal of environment and society. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01573-3 (in press).
  • Andersson, A., M.V. Brady, and J. Pohjola. 2021. How unnecessarily high abatement costs and unresolved distributional issues undermine nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea. Ambio – a journal of environment and society https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01580-4
  • Andersen, M.S., A. Andersson, M.V. Brady, M. Graversgaard, E. Kilis, A.B. Pedersen, M. Thorsøe, and H. Valve. 2021. The Helsinki Convention’s agricultural nutrient governance: how domestic institutions matter. Journal of Baltic Studies (Accepted; in press) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rbal20/current

Previous publications of BONUS TOOLS2SEA partners of relevance to the project

  • Andersen, M.S., 1991. Hvordan er effektiviteten af den danske regulering af vandmiljøet sammenlignet med reguleringen i andre lande? [What is the effectiveness of Denmarks regulations of the aquatic environment in comparison with other countries?], Rapport fra regeringens konsensuskonference om vandmiljøet, København: Undervisningsministeriet 1991.
  • Andersen, M.S., 1994a (red.). Spredningen af renere teknologi i landbruget [The diffusion of innovative technologies in agriculture]. Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen, København: Miljøministeriet. 120 p.
  • Andersen, M.S., 1994b. EFs landbrugsreform og miljøet - et harmoniproblem [The common agricultural policy of the European Communities and the environment – a problem of harmony], pp. 89-119 i Jørgen Deigård Jensen (red.), Den internationale udvikling og dansk landbrug, Rapport nr. 78, Kbh: Statens Jordbrugsøkonomiske institut. 1994.
  • Andersen, M.S., 1995. Vandmiljøplanen - hvad kan der gøres ? [The plan for the aquatic environment – what could be done?], pp. 235-250, i Lærke Flader (red.), Landbruget i den samfundsøkonomiske udvikling, Rapport nr. 84, Statens Jordbrugs- og Fiskeri¬økonomiske Institut, Kbh. 1995.
  • Andersen, M.S., 1996. Begrænsning af kvælstoftabet med økonomiske styringsmidler [Reduction of nitrogen losses with economic policy instruments], Effektivt Landbrug, særnummer om planteavl, pp. 10-12. 1996.
  • Andersen, M.S., 1998. Styringsmidler og retfærdighed for kvælstofanvendelsen [Policy instruments and fairness to nitrogen applications], Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi 185:4, 181-184.
  • Andersen, M.S., 2003. The effect of manure management regulations on international competitiveness. pp. 129-146 in: Agriculture, Trade and the Environment. The pig sector. Paris: OECD Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. Translated as: Les effets sur la compétitivité internationale des réglementations relatives à la gestion des effluents d'élevage. p. 141-160 in Le secteur porcin: Agriculture, échanges et environnement. Paris: OECD.
  • Andersen, M.S., 2004. The effect of manure management regulations on competitiveness. In: OECD: Agriculture, Trade and the Environment: The Dairy Sector. OECD Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. Pp. 175-196. 2004. Translated as: Effet sur la compétitivité des réglementations relatives à la gestion des effluents. p. 193-216 in Le secteur laitier: Agriculture, échanges et environnement. Paris: OECD.
  • Andersen, M.S., 2005. Hvad koster landbrugets miljøbelastning ? [What are the costs of the environmental burdens of agriculture] In: Danmarks Naturfredningsforening: Antologi om landbrugets samfundsøkonomiske betydning i miljøperspektiv. 104-117.
  • Andersen, M.S., 2011. Monetary valuation with impact pathway analysis: Benefits of reducing nitrate leaching in European catchments. 2011. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics: 5:3, pp 199-244 (with Morten Søes Hansen, Jacob Carstensen, Brian Kronvang, Hans Estrup Andersen and Hans Thodsen).
  • Andersen, M.S., 2013. Understanding and accounting for costs of inaction, pp. 564-580 in David Gee et al. (eds.) Late lessons from early warnings, volume II, European Environment Agency (EEA). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. (with D. Clubb).
  • Andersen, M.S., 2014. EPI-WATER Synthesis Report (with J. Mysiak, CM Gómez, M. Volaro, P. Defrance, C. Colin, T. Dworak). 158 pp. Venice: FEEM. 2014.
  • Andersen, M.S., Carstensen, J. and Kronvang, B., 2015. Pathways and impacts of nitrogen in water bodies: establishing a framework for integrated assessment modelling of management benefits. Paper presented at 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Andersen, M.S., 2017. 'The animal feed mineral phosphorus tax in Denmark' and 'The nitrogen mineral fertilizer tax in Sweden'. In: P. van Brinck and Emma Watson et al., Capacity building, programmatic development and communication in the field of environmental taxation and budgetary reform, Main Report & Appendices: Final Report to DG Environment of the European Commission, Bruxelles: Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).
  • Brady, M. et al. 2015. Jordbrukspolitik, inlåsning och strukturomvandling [Agricultural policy, lock-in and structural change, report from the Swedish Board of Agriculture]. Stockholm: Jordbruksverket.
  • Brady, M., Hristov, J., Sahrbacher, A., Schläpfer, F., 2016. Impacts of the CAP’s environmental policy instruments on farm structures, agricultural incomes and public goods, MULTAGRI Policy Brief 02:16.
  • Brady, M., J. Hristov, Sören Höjgård, T. Jansson, H. Johansson, C. Larsson, I. Nordin and E. Rabinowicz (2017). Impacts of Direct Payments – Lessons for CAP post-2020 from a quantitative analysis, Rapport 2017:2 Lund: AgriFood Economics Center (In press).
  • Brady, Sahlin, U., Clough Y et al., 2017. Report on ecological-economic models and evaluation of effects of ecological intensification on farm income. LIBERATION project Deliverable 5.4.
  • Brunori, G., D. Barjolle, A.-C. Dockes, S. Helmle, J. Ingram, L. Klerkx, H. Moschitz, G. Nemes, T. Tisenkopfs (2013) CAP reform and innovation: the role of learning and innovation networks, Eurochoices, Vol 12, Issue 2, pp. 27-33.
  • Cong, R., Smith, H.G., Olsson, O., Brady, M., 2014. Managing ecosystem services for agriculture: Will landscape-scale management pay? Ecological Economics 99: 53-62.
  • Cong, R., Ekroos, J., Smith, H.G., Brady, M.V., 2016. Optimizing intermediate ecosystem services in agriculture using rules based on landscape composition and configuration indices, Ecological Economics 128: 214-223.
  • Sidomo-Holm, W., H. G. Smith and M. V. Brady, 2017. "Improving agricultural pollution abatement through result-based payment schemes." Land Use Policy, (Submitted).
  • Šūmane, S., I. Kunda, K. Knickel,  A. Strauss,  T. Tisenkopfs, T., I. Des Ios Rios,  M. Rivera,  T. Chebach and A. Ashkenazy (2017) Local and farmers' knowledge matters! How integrating informal and formal knowledge enhances sustainable and resilient agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies, 2017, 1-10.
  • Tisenkopfs, T., I. Kunda and S. Sumane (2014) Learning as issue framing in agricultural innovation networks, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Vol 20 (3): 309-326.
  • Tisenkopfs, T, Ilze Lace and Inta Mierina, 2008. „Social capital”. -  In: Jan Douwe van der Ploeg & Terry Marsden (eds) Unfolding Webs: The Dynamics of Regional Rural Development, Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 87-110.
  • Thorsøe, M.; Dalgaard, T.; Graversgaard, M., 2017 Nabotjek af kvælstof- og fosforvirkemidler [Neighbour check on policy instruments for nitrogen and phosphorous]. Aarhus University: DCA Rapport nr. 104. 105 pp.

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