Aarhus University Seal


  • To provide an interdisciplinary synthesis of existing knowledge on policy instruments and governance institutions for nutrient management as available in the literature; international and domestic,
  • Undertake a review of research outputs from the relevant BONUS projects, as well as from relevant and recent EU funded, international and domestic projects,
  • Describe our current knowledge base on a range of parameters critical to successful nutrient management, particularly with regard to the abatement potential, spatial targeting and multi-functionality of individual measures, their distributional implications and possible cost-effectiveness, including administrative and transactions costs as well as estimates of monetary benefits and co-benefits available, with a view to socioeconomic drivers and climatic change
  • Analyze how fairness and equity issues impact on design and implementation of nutrient abatement policy instruments and also the significance of participatory approaches involving water managers, polluters and citizens in fostering creativity and acceptability of abatement solutions,
  • Support knowledge translation by analyzing what conditions lead to the successful uptake of research outputs by decision-makers for the purposes of nutrient governance, and suggest ways to improve its practical impacts and societal significance,
  • Identify knowledge gaps with regard to policy instruments and governance frameworks, while making suggestions for future pilot experiments and research, stimulating innovative approaches to nutrient abatement,
  • To provide a menu of options for policy instrument innovations with recommendations for how governance institutions and stakeholder engagement could be better coordinated to further sustainable nutrient management and abatement efforts in the Baltic Sea region.