Aarhus University Seal


Two one-week training courses have been carried out at EIAR centers: Ambo Agricultural Research Center (AMARC) and the National Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center (NABRC) from the 1-5th of May and 8-12th of May 2023, respectively.  

The aim was to introduce PhD students and research staff to basic molecular techniques (Module 1), and advanced molecular techniques related to tissue culture and transformation (Module II).  

Module I included hands-on lab activities viz.  DNA and RNA extraction, and PCR setup followed by gel electrophoresis, primers and primer design tools, sequencing and sequence analysis.  

Plant materials used for DNA extraction exercises were from tomato, maize, faba bean and potato. RNA extraction was done from tomato and maize. PCR demonstrations were set up to diagnose the following plant pathogens: RNA viruses in tomato (ToMV, TMV) and maize (SCMV); and PCR of faba bean gall, caused by Physoderma viciae, was done by extracting DNA from infected leaf tissue.

Module II included isolation of barley embryos, media preparations, and placing excised scutella (from the embryos) on media, based on a protocol provided by Aarhus University. The tissue culture regeneration facilities were visited. Gene cloning, transformation work and genome editing were taught in the classroom.  

Three of the PhD students enrolled in the ‘Better Barley by NBT project’ participated in the courses, joined by 8-9 researchers, as well as a trainer and a teacher for each module. The training courses were a true ‘eye opener’ for participants to the world of molecular tools, tissue culture and New Breeding Technologies.