Karolina Monica Furgal, PhD student,
Rikke E Meyer, Associate Professor
Kai Bester, Senior Scientist
In this project we are focusing mainly on biogenic manganese (Mn) oxides that are some of the strongest oxidants naturally found in the environment. They are particularly important in bio-geochemical cycles, and they participate in wide range of redox reactions with different organic compounds (1) including several groups of xenobiotics (2).
Our focus is to identify the optimal combination of microorganisms, nanoparticles, and environmental conditions required for efficient degradation of target compounds, thus performing the next step towards a real application. We are also aiming to establish a self-regenerating system involving cyclical oxidation and reduction of Mn oxides allowing a continuous degradation of contaminants.
Target compounds analyses and quantification is performed by a high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (HPLS/MS/MS). We are also using diverse mass spectrometry methods for the determination of unknown transformation products.
Literature relevant for the project
(1) Karolina M. Furgal, Rikke L. Meyer, Kai Bester: Removing selected steroid hormones, biocides and pharmaceuticals from water by means of biogenic manganese oxide nanoparticles in situ. At ppt levels, Chemosphere, 136 (2015) 321–326. DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.11.059
(2) Tebo, B. M., Bargar, J. R., Clement, B. G., Dick, G. J., Murray, K. J., Parker, D., Verity, R., Webb, S. M., 2007 Biogenic manganese oxides: Properties and Mechanisms of Formation, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2004. 32:287–328
(3) Forrez, I., Carballa, M., Fink, G., Wick, A., Hennebel, T., Vanhaecke, L., Ternes, T., Boon, N., Verstraete W.:Biogenic metals for the oxidative and reductive removal of pharmaceuticals, biocides and iodinated contrast media in a polishing membrane bioreactor, Water Res, 1763, 2011