The SmartSOIL project will be represented at the REMEDIA IV Workshop in Madrid (23-25 March 2015)

Organized by researchers from the Technical University of Madrid, the REMEDIA IV Workshop will take place in Madrid and focus on mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions from agro-forestry systems

A wide array of national and international representatives from academia, agro industry, NGOs and policy will attend to the Workshop. Two SmartSOIL1 partners will also attend: Pete Smith (University of Aberdeen) as keynote speaker in a plenary session for Opening the Workshop with a presentation about Mitigation Potential in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector; and Ana Iglesias and Berta Sánchez (Technical University of Madrid) as coordinators of a dialogue session about Climate Smart Agriculture where they will discuss issues around sustainable management and Mitigation-Adaptation synergies.

For more information see:

1SmartSOIL (Sustainable farm Management Aimed at Reducing Threats to SOILs under climate change) is a research project in the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. It aims to contribute to reversing the current degradation trend of European agricultural soils by improving soil carbon management in European arable and mixed farming systems covering intensive to low-input and organic farming systems. SmartSOIL is identifying and developing options to increase C stocks and optimise C use (flows) whilst maintaining sustainable Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks.

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