SmartSOIL results presented at The 11th European IFSA Symposium

Read the SmartSOIL and Catch-C presentations here.

SmartSOIL and Catch-C partners convened a workshop session at the International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium: Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies. Berlin, 1-4 April, 2014.

SmartSOIL partners Julie Ingram (CCRI), Ana Frelih-Larsen (Ecologic) and Catch-C partner Jan Verhagen convened the workshop:‘Soil management: facilitating on-farm mitigation and adaptation’.

Sandra Naumann (Ecologic) chaired the presentations and Jane Mills (CCRI) facilitated the plenary discussion.

The following papers were presented in the workshop: 

  • Reid, J. - Achieving improved soil management on-farm – insights from a New Zealand case study. Download
  • Bijttebier J., Ruysschaert G., Marchand F., Hijbeek, R., Pronk, A., Schlatter, N., Guzmán, G., Syp, A. , Werner, M., Bechini, L., Guiffant, N.,  Wauters E. - Assessing farmers’ intention to adopt sustainable management practices for soil conservation across Europe. Download
  • Ingram, J and Mills, J.- Management practices to enhance soil carbon: using stakeholder consultation to evaluate credibility, salience and legitimacy of information. Download
  • Hijbeek, R., Pronk, A.A., ten Berge, H., van Ittersum M., Ruysschaert G. and Verhagen J. - Barriers to adopting management practices aiming at soil fertility and mitigation across different farm types in The Netherlands. Download
  • Frelih-Larsen, A., Naumann, S. and Dooley, E. - Soil management for climate change mitigation and adaptation: framing and integrating the issue in the evolving policy environment. Download

For abstracts see

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