SmartSOIL at Joint OECD and France conference, 16th September 2015

Both Ana Iglesias and Michael MacLeod presented SmartSOIL findings at “Agriculture and agricultural soils facing climate change and food security challenges: public policies and practices” September 16, 2015 a Joint OECD and France conference.

Both Ana Iglesias and Michael MacLeod presented at the OECD-France conference on 16th September 2015, entitled "Agriculture and agricultural soils facing climate change and food security challenges: public policies and practices"

Ana Iglesias of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, presented on the “Opportunities and limits to manage SOC for improving food production under climate change".  Her presentation can be downloaded here   

Dr MacLeod of SRUC, UK talked about “Presentation and comparison of climate change mitigation practices (including practices soil), role of public policies and status of existing policies” 

A video stream of the event is available here

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