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Travel and Movement in the Ancient World: Research Seminar with Erin Warford and Jens Krasilnikoff

Border Sanctuaries and Processional Routes in 5th-century Attica by Erin Warford (Buffalo), and The Temporalities of Civic Authority and Religious Authorization in Classical Athens: The Motions of Pace, Place and Politics by Jens Krasilnikoff (AU).

Info about event


Wednesday 7 May 2014,  at 12:30 - 14:30


Aarhus University, Nobelparken building 1461, room 316

The seminar is included in the Classical Antiquity Research Seminar Spring 2014 series: Travel and Movement in the Ancient World. Spring 2014 Programme:

Travel and Movement in the Ancient World (pdf)

Organizers: Troels Myrup Kristensen and Wiebke Friese