Excavating Pilgrimage
- Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement from Classical Greece to Late Antiquity: EST (The Emergence of Sacred Traveld) is hosting its first symposium
Info about event
Aarhus University, 9-10 May 2014 Preben Hornung Room, AU Conference Centre
For registration, please write ndaumann@cas.au.dk before 1 May.
This symposium aims to place discussions of pilgrimage in the ancient Mediterranean world - a topic that predominantly has been studied through epigraphy and other textual sources - within the context of the rich archaeological record for different forms of sacred travel and movement. Its chronological range covers the period from Classical Greece to Late Antiquity but also takes in a selection of cross-cultural perspectives. Presenters are asked to tackle directly both methodological and theoretical issues related to the study of pilgrimage, sacred travel and other types of movement to, from, and within sanctuaries through their chosen case studies, and to bring in new interdisciplinary approaches. Although the conference is divided into chronologically organized sessions, the overall perspective is comparative, and speakers should aim to compare and contrast different religious and social practices in relation to sacred travel – and in particular how these can be illuminated by archaeological evidence. Topics to be explored may include material evidence for travel and sacred movement, the material footprint of different activities undertaken by pilgrims, the spatial organization and wider catchment of pilgrimage sanctuaries, as well as the relationship between architecture, art, and sacred calendars.