Aarhus University Seal

PEPP meeting

30. January 2019

Info about event


Wednesday 30 January 2019,  at 10:00 - 13:00

Participants: Nina Randrup Rasmussen (Søfartsstyrelsen), Thomas Raahauge Norup (The Danish embassy in Ghana), Andreas Hermansson (Aarhus Habour), Hans Anders Pedersen (Danpilots), Casper Andersen (History of Ideas, Aarhus University), Torben Andersen (Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University)



  • Introductions
  • Short presentation and discussion of project + 4 work packages
    • Ease of Business Index og industrialisation
    • Digitalization
    • Capacity Development
    • Communication: Website, animation, articles
  • Schedule: Contricution and milestones

Lunch at Aarhus University

13:00: Tour of Aarhus Habour