Aarhus University Seal

Work Package 2

Developing capacity for digitalization

How does the absence or presence of CD initiatives alongside introduction of digitalization efforts influence the impact of the digital technologies? WP2 will test this on three cases:

  • 1) The paperless port in Tema and how it fits into long-term shifts in Tema’s development during the last decade including a gamma-ray containerized cargo scanner and a country-wide electronic data exchange network to be used at Tema port in 2000[12],
  • 2) The digital platform prepared for the Gulf of Guinea within phase 1 and its upgrade and use in phase 2 of the strategic sector cooperation between Ghana and Denmark, and
  • 3) A comparison of CD initiatives in connection with the introduction of comparable digital services in Aarhus Port and Tema Port.

Outputs of WP2:

  • Conference paper on "CD and digitalization in Tema: comparing expectations then and now"
  • Academic article submission: "Tema in digital transformation: stakeholders in the neoliberal development state"
  • Academic article submission: "Port Digitalization in Tema and Aarhus: The role of CD in digitalization"

Outcomes (impact/effect) of WP2:

Changed practices following introduction of digitalization based on WP2 generated new knowledge on the expected impact of digital technology in the maritime sector and its effect on the enforcement of maritime regulations in Ghana.