DIRECTOR: Dr. George Acheampong
The focus of WP4 is the impact and dissemination of results and WP4 aims to increase awareness among private/public and national/international decision-makers about nuances of port cluster performance, port governance, communication, and sustainability-related practices in their considerations of port policies and practices and their impact.
Besides six academic articles, international conference participation, we will prepare policy briefs, a podcast, and post on social media platforms of public, private, and mixed port communities. In order to affect political change, we will raise public awareness with media spots and press releases and for most longterm effect, we teach our students, who are the future public and private sector employees and decision makers, about our findings in our courses at UG, RMU, and AU. The PEPP II project website provides a platform for knowledge sharing among all researchers and stakeholders and form the basis for continuous future data collection, as we digitalize most research elements and through open access journal articles, our website, and social media postings.
HOW TO CONNECT TO OTHER WORKPACKAGES: WP4 is where we will organize a combined strategy to inspire change through increased awareness by communication with partners, other stakeholders, students, and an interested public on all aspects of our research.