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to enhance the competitiveness of Tema Port, Ghana, by providing new knowledge about how port clusters, gender imbalances, communication, and sustainability intertwine. Thereby, we create the potential for a more diverse and effective Port of Tema as it competes with other West African Ports. Our PEPP I findings on major challenges to and opportunities for the Port of Tema has led us to bring in additional Ghanaian researchers for our team. Concretely, our multidisciplinary and – national team of researchers work to foster a strong transdisciplinary research experience for all team members. In this way, we will engage in innovative international scholarship presented through conferences, peer-reviewed journals, and future externally funded research project.


with a focus on local knowledge co-creation, collect data from extensive fieldwork, a comprehensive survey, and multiple in-depth qualitative interviews. We hope that our findings will contribute new knowledge in combination with local knowledge about the advantages of and challenges to a cooperative approach. More effective informal and formal communication strategies among private and public partners are likely to reduce un-productive tensions based on perceived and real differences, including strikes from the labor front. 

Read more about the project's 5 Workpackages here


our in-depth understanding of the complexities and dynamics at the port from PEPP I. Due to this understanding we expect stakeholders to be inclined to integrate our findings in their future decisions and practices, so we expect to see increased precision in design of future partnerships. Moreover, Danish companies will be better equipped to engage successfully with the Port of Tema, if they consider our findings about the intricacies of the opportunities and challenges in communication and relationships at the port. Furthermore, our focus on the implications of international standards and shipping line compliance is highly relevant to the successful uptake of international sustainability and diversity agendas in local practices.

More about PEPP I


Annette Skovsted Hansen

Associate Professor, Head of Department School of Culture and Society - Japan Studies, subject