Risk management strategies for ALS inhibitors, the most important group of herbicides in all participating countries
Monitoring for resistance to important groups of herbicides (ALS, ACCase, glyphosate)
Identifying high risk and low risk combinations of herbicides and weed species
Common "mode of action" labeling of herbicides
Exchange of information on methodologies for resistance testing
Work sharing when testing seeds of biotypes suspected to be resistant or seeds collected as part of a monitoring programme. Linking up to other institutes such as the University of Hohenheim where putative resistant biotypes of Apera spica-venti in the coming two years can be tested for free.
Participating in EWRS ring tests (e.g. the Papaver rhoeas ring test)
Initiate research on fitness of resistant biotypes (MSc or PhD projects)
Studying the influence of cropping practices on the risk of development of herbicide resistance (MSc or PhD projects)