Aarhus University Seal

Self-assessment tool

Self-assessment tool

Welcome to the ITIRE self-evaluation tool. This tool is designed to allow your setting to map the inclusion and participation of learners who are refugees and asylum seekers.

Drawing on the literature review of good practices available here https://projects.au.dk/fileadmin/ingen_mappe_valgt/ITIRE_-_Report.pdf,  the tool allows you to consider various aspects of inclusive practice.

You can also take inspiration from the ITIRE bank of good practices (https://projects.au.dk/itire/tools/bank-of-good-practices) to support you with development planning.   

The Self-assessment tool questions are structured to lead the schools through a process of deepening critical analysis and engagement on refugee children education.

Each theme contains at least one question, which is broken down into three distinct but intersecting parts:

- First, identifying practice (quantifiable data)

- Second, identifying the nature of this practice (qualitative data)

- Third, identifying ways of advancing practice (future-focused data)

These questions are applied to the following three dimensions of refugee education:

A.     The student dimension

B.     The school dimension

C.     The social dimension

The self-evaluation tool is followed by a separated demographics section. If you deem it useful, the section will help you achieve a more precise knowledge of the refugees and asylum seekers population attending your institution. However, compiling the demographic section is entirely optional.

The tool is intended only for schools’ internal use and reflection. Results won’t be shared outside your institution. However, at the end we kindly ask you to provide a summary of the school’s current position and areas for development to be published on the ITIRE project website https://projects.au.dk/itire/. This will be the only part visible to external users. 

We are committed to ensuring the security and protection of the data that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. We have a robust and effective data protection program in place which complies with existing law and abides by the data protection principles of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Below you find the links to the Self-Assessment Tool in various languages:

Dansk          Deutsch           English           Íslensku           Norsk